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Mercedes Check Engine Light Answers
This page will list all the Check Engine Light questions and answers asked of us pertaining to Mercedes Benz vehicles.
Question: My car is a 2001 Mercedes Benz E220, with 90,800 miles, V6, no major work done, check engine light is constant red - not blinking, no symptoms. What could be causing this? Thank you. - Max - August 2008
Answer: Hi Max, thanks for the question. The check engine light comes on and stays on to tell you that the car needs attention. Since there are no symptoms the issue is likely a minor one, it could be as simple as a loose gas cap. From here you have two choices. You can take the car to a qualified technician or you can do a bit of troubleshooting yourself. You can buy a good code reader or get a place like AutoZone to read the code for free. With the code, we can provide more help. Without the code(s), anything I say would be strictly guessing! That's the beauty of OBD-II and the check engine light. There are codes stored in the car's computer that tell you where to look when repairing the vehicle. I'd also recommend you read this [My car's check engine light is on, what do I do?]. Good luck!